it would seem as though this weekend was wasted.
Ok. I’ll admit, there was no riding. Very little exercise at all, in fact. I take complete responsibility for this. Its been a rough few weeks – mostly at work, but busy outside of work as well. I’d had about all of life that I could take by the time my day ended on Friday. I was tired, and, were it not for the assortment of prescription drugs I take, I would have been seriously cranky. So, I wanted a no-fuss weekend.
On Saturday, Nick reloaded his home desktop computer – much needed activity. He also got his passport documents all finished so he can take them to the passport office this week! I was able to upgrade my home desktop with some finagling and also reloaded windows. In between all of this, we took the dogs for a short walk in the woods yesterday and Nick submitted our taxes!
I shouldn’t be so excited about submitting tax forms that also require a large payment from us, but actually, I’m VERY excited about this. Both last year, and again this year, we had to borrow money from my 401k to pay some bills. We’ve been actively working on our debt situation for nearly 3 years now, and paying this tax bill marks the end of our hard work. Paying this tax bill leaves us only in debt with our mortgage and one car payment (and that will be paid off by fall). Tomorrow, when the government takes a few grand out of my bank account, I’ll breath a giant sigh of relief. Tomorrow, when the government takes that money, we will be as close to financial freedom as I need to be right now. Tomorrow marks the day when we stop kicking ourselves for mistakes we made in our first 7 years together and start looking forward to not ever making those mistakes again. Those dollars that the government wants from me is like a giant weight that I’ve been carrying on my shoulders for a long, long time. Tomorrow, that weight will be lifted from my shoulders. So yeah. Its a good thing 🙂
And today? Today was the icing on the cake!
I got a chance to finish my latest bike project. My new (to me) Bianchi PUSS is now complete and ready to roll!
I can’t wait to ride it on the trail. Unfortunately, this is Michigan. And we’re seeing signs of spring. I may have to wait. *sigh* Isn’t she purty tho?? (don’t worry, kev – the check’s in the mail! 😀 )
Also today, Nick and I gave ASTARO another shot. We tried, and failed, to load the free firewall/gateway a few months ago. After fighting for weeks, we gave up and tried IPCOP, which worked great, but was lacking in the GUI arena. Well, Astaro released an updated code, allowing home users to use their corporate code for free – up to 10 users. We decided to give it a shot. I think, start to internet browsing, we might have spent 20 minutes. Damn cool system, awesome GUI, easy to use, works like a champ. I’m in geek heaven 😀
This is all for now. I might come back and add/edit later .. who knows .. for now, I need to go to walmart and buy some dog food and toilet paper to round out my weekend 🙂
Cute bike!
M, great new wheels! It’ll be nice this weekend. Get out and RIDE! =)