I’ve been tagged ..
I’ve read 6 random things about Namrita, Danielle and Andrea .. And now, apparently its my turn to enlighten my own couple of readers with 6 random things that very few people know about me. Here goes:
1. I was very shy as a kid, and even into college. I still struggle with being shy and introverted even though most people who know me now, think I’m quite the opposite.
2. Another childhood story – I was also quite the tomboy. My neighborhood friends were boys, and I spent a lot of time doing boy things: riding bikes, climbing trees, playing in the mud.  I was the only girl on my t-ball team (and my dad was the coach).
3. I started competitive swimming at the age of 9 and continued through my junior year in high school, but quit during my senior year. When I was young, I used to dream of swimming in the Olympics and Janet Evans was my biggest hero in her day.
4. While I have a really good, really corporate IT job (network security), my bachelors degree is in Health Education (non-teaching), and my minor is Physical Education with emphasis in coaching.
5. I went to catholic school from kindergarten through 7th grade. Uniforms and everything.
6. I lived in Brooklyn, NY from 1984 – 1988 (age 9-13) and spent a lot of time running around the city by myself or with friends – very little parental supervision. It was great freedom that would never be allowed by any parents today. Times have certainly changed. It was an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
And now I must tag some others – I’m going to target the boys and see who’s still watching my blog 😀
Steve (aka I’m moving to Washington, wait, no! I’m not)
Robert (aka Hermitman)
Alex (aka the Dolpinator)
Nick (aka the hubby)